Transformational Coaching with Sara

Are You Ready to Commit to Your Success?

Are You Ready to Commit to Your Success? -

Will your goals become a reality? Two key factors will determine this.

A sales professional walks into a bank and asks, “Will you cash this check?” The teller replies, “Sure, just endorse the back, hand it over, and I’ll give you the cash.” The salesperson hesitates. “But what if you don’t give me the money once I sign?” The teller explains it’s bank policy: no signature, no cash. After a long argument, the teller finally sends him away.

Frustrated, the salesperson tries another bank. Again, he refuses to sign the check without a guarantee, and again, he’s turned away. At the third bank, after the same argument, the teller pulls out a rubber baseball bat, whacks the salesperson on the head, and yells, “Sign the check!” Shocked, the salesperson finally endorses it, hands it over, and gets his cash. He returns to the first bank, boasting, “Look, I got my money!” The teller responds, “Sure, but you still had to sign the check, didn’t you?”

This story illustrates two critical factors for success:

Factor 1: Are You Being Specific About Your Goals?

To achieve success, especially in sales, you must be clear about what you want. Vague goals like “I want to be successful” won’t cut it. If you tell a builder to create a “happy house,” they’ll ask for specifics—a blueprint. The same applies to your life and career. Define your goals with clarity. What does success look like for you? The clearer you are, the more likely you are to achieve it.

Factor 2: Are You Committed to Your Goals?

Much like the salesperson who hesitated to sign the check, many of us hesitate to commit fully to our goals. We want guarantees before we invest ourselves entirely. However, life doesn’t work that way. To achieve your goals, you must be willing to “sign your name” to them—putting your full self into action and aligning with the path you desire. This commitment sends a powerful signal that attracts the resources, people, and opportunities needed to bring your goals to life.

Your mindset shapes your reality. Whether you think “I can” or “I can’t,” you’re right. When you commit to your goals, the universe responds, aligning circumstances to support your journey. It’s like the teller at the bank: once you sign, the money—or in this case, the success—will come.

So, what do you really want? And are you ready to commit to it fully? When you answer these questions with clarity and conviction, you’ll find that doors begin to open, and your path becomes clearer.

P.S. Want support in discovering and building your dreams?

In between my coaching and speaking schedule, I carve out a few strategy sessions each month. If you would like a complimentary strategy session (Value = $250), simply contact me here.



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