Transformational Coaching with Sara

Unleashing Your Inner Power for Success

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Some people live ninety years, while others live the same year ninety times. The difference? Those who truly thrive are pursuing their dreams. As sales professionals, you have the potential to live your dream life by embracing opportunities and recognizing your own inner power.

Often, we’re conditioned to rely solely on external factors to gauge our chances for success. But this reliance on the five senses—what we can see, hear, and touch—can limit us. To break free from this limitation, we must tap into deeper faculties like intuition, imagination, and perception. These tools help us see beyond surface-level conditions to the aspirations that truly drive us.

We all have an inner voice, not one of logic or reason, but one of insight and direction. For sales professionals, this voice might guide you to take a bold step in a deal or explore an unconventional approach to closing a sale. It may not always make sense to others, but it’s there to help you nurture the thoughts and actions that align with your professional and personal dreams.

The core principle of pursuing your dreams is understanding that the power within you is greater than any circumstance, history, or environment. The mental hurdles you face can either restrict your growth or propel you forward. It’s all about how you choose to use your thoughts.

To harness this power, start with a two-step process:

  1. Release Limiting Beliefs: If you constantly focus on what could go wrong, you might create self-fulfilling prophecies. For instance, if you’re worried about losing a client, that fear might influence your interactions negatively. Instead, shift your focus to what you want to achieve.
  2. Focus on Your Goals: Replace those limiting thoughts with visions of success. Think about the satisfaction of closing a major deal or the joy of reaching your targets. Even in challenging environments, like a competitive market, concentrate on the rewarding outcomes you want to create.

As sales professionals, you’re the authors of your thoughts and your career. Past setbacks or current obstacles don’t have to define your future. Imagine the successes you wish to achieve, the clients you want to serve, and the impact you aspire to make.

Use your inner power to shape a future that aligns with your dreams and career goals. You have the ability to write a story of success, fulfillment, and growth.


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