Transformational Coaching with Sara

Fueling Your Drive for Success

Fueling Your Drive for Success -

Dreaming big can be daunting, especially in the world of sales. However, it’s this willingness to envision a future beyond our current reality that leads to a life—and career—we truly love. What if you gave yourself permission to dream beyond your present circumstances? Where might those thoughts lead you?

Here are three steps to help you ignite your drive and start building the life and career you desire:

  1. Acknowledge Your Discontent
    Discontentment often signals that you’re ready for something bigger. Rather than ignoring this feeling, use it as a catalyst for change. When you feel uneasy about your current situation, it’s your inner self urging you to explore new possibilities. Visualize what a more fulfilling career or life looks like. Notice how this vision affects your emotions and energy. If you feel more alive and excited, it’s a strong indicator you’re moving in the right direction.
  2. Use “Up Until Now…” to Break Free from Limitations
    In sales, it’s easy to fall into patterns based on past experiences. But if you keep doing what you’ve always done, you’ll keep getting the same results. To move forward, practice the phrase “Up until now…” to reframe your mindset. For example, “Up until now, I hesitated to pursue larger clients,” or “Up until now, I felt limited by past rejections.” This simple shift helps you break free from the past and opens up space for new possibilities. Your past doesn’t define your future; your next steps do.
  3. Co-Create with Your Beliefs to Achieve the Impossible
    Consider the idea of co-creating your future with a higher purpose. This means partnering with your beliefs, whatever they may be, to build the best life and career possible. By recognizing yourself as a co-creator, you seek guidance, overcome self-imposed barriers, and transform what once seemed impossible into achievable goals. Start each day with gratitude and focus on a goal you once thought was out of reach. For just one day, act as if that goal is within your grasp and see what changes.

Here’s to achieving your best life, filled with the success and fulfillment you deserve!

P.S. Want support in discovering and building your dreams?

In between my coaching and speaking schedule, I carve out a few strategy sessions each month. If you would like a complimentary strategy session (Value = $250), simply contact me here.


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