Transformational Coaching with Sara

Is Your Goal Truly Aligned with Your Success?

Is Your Goal Truly Aligned with Your Success? -

In sales, just like in life, aligning your goals with your core values and purpose is crucial for sustained success. As Geoffrey Avert once said, “The most important thing about having a goal is having one.” But it’s not just about setting any goal; it’s about setting the right goal—one that resonates with who you are and what you stand for.

To ensure your aspirations are truly in sync with your purpose, here are five questions that can help you evaluate whether your goal is the right fit:

  1. Does Your Goal Ignite Passion?
    A genuine goal stirs an emotional connection. For sales professionals, this might mean feeling a surge of excitement when you think about closing a deal that aligns with your values. If the thought of achieving this goal brings you a sense of vitality and enthusiasm, it’s a strong indicator you’re on the right path.
  2. Is Your Goal Aligned with Your Core Values?
    Your goals must be in harmony with your core values to come to fruition. If your target conflicts with what you fundamentally believe in, it’s not worth pursuing. For instance, if integrity is key for you, a goal that requires you to compromise on honesty isn’t aligned with your true self.
  3. Does Your Goal Challenge You to Grow?
    The right goal pushes you beyond your comfort zone. In sales, this could mean pursuing new skills, exploring unfamiliar markets, or taking on more significant responsibilities. If your goal doesn’t require personal or professional growth, it might not be ambitious enough.
  4. Do You Need Support Beyond Your Own Efforts?
    If you already know every step to achieving your goal, it might not be challenging enough. A truly inspiring goal often requires you to seek guidance, collaborate with others, or even lean on faith in the process. These elements add depth and growth to your journey.
  5. Does Your Goal Benefit Others?
    The most fulfilling goals are those that contribute to the greater good. In sales, this could mean setting a goal that not only boosts your numbers but also genuinely helps clients solve problems or enhances their lives in meaningful ways.

Your mind may be filled with many ambitions, but it’s crucial to differentiate your most profound desires from fleeting impulses. As a sales professional, you have the power to choose the goal that resonates most deeply with your heart. When you co-create this goal with a sense of purpose and a broader vision, you’re setting the stage for its manifestation.

By aligning your goals with your passion, values, and a purpose that extends beyond yourself, you pave the way for success that is both meaningful and impactful.

P.S. Want support in discovering and building your dreams?

In between my coaching and speaking schedule, I carve out a few strategy sessions each month. If you would like a complimentary strategy session (Value = $250), simply contact me here.


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